Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Autonomous Flight of simulated quadrotor using ROS MoveIt

Alessio Tonioni presents his thesis work on autonomous flight using ROS MoveIt. You can also find links to his thesis and the code. You'll find necessary information to simulate and try it on your own.Check it out. Be sure to like his video.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Plugin to IEEE Robot Motion Planning and Control Resources, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Technical Committee's site is a destination for Algorithms for Planning and Control of Robot Motion.

You will come across Open source softwares for motion planning, Data sets, Videos, Educational Resources of Books and Courses. You will also find information on the upcoming events and important News articles related to motion planning.

Robot Motion and Path Planning Research Resources from GAMMA

GAMMA (Geometric Algorithms for Modeling, Motion and Animation) research group are making a significant and ever increasing contribution in the field of research. Ongoing research works include Collision detection and proximity queries, Crowd and multi agent simulation, Interactive ray tracing, Motion and path planning, Physically based modelling, simulation and animation, Sound synthesis and propagation, Traffic simulation, reconstruction and route planning.

The Motion and path planning related resources can be found here.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Courses on Robot Motion Planning

I found some old courses on Motion Planning, which would be pretty useful to all those people who are just planting their feet into motion planning. You'll get an outline picture of motion planning and also find some useful Lectures, Homework, links to books and software. Explore the place and help yourself.

Motion Planning in Real and Virtual Worlds

Robotic Motion Planning

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Motion Planning Algorithm and Application Resources

A treasure,  of 2 D benchmarks, Robotics conferences and very useful Links for Robotics tools and popular researchers in the field is provided by Parasol.
Check out!!!